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20 Year Reunion
Wednesday, 13 September 2006
Rich Anderson Pictures
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Joey Perez
Topic: Rich Photos

Hey Classmates, Here is our Blog, please be kind when you comment on the photos.... we were all just having a good time!!! I think we all look good!!

Posted by mphsreunion at 9:52 AM
Updated: Wednesday, 13 September 2006 9:55 AM
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Wednesday, 13 September 2006 - 11:27 AM

Name: "Richard Anderson"

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to the reunion blog. I'm anticipating this will be a fun place to add more comments to the reunion, photos, web page as well as reflecting on the good times both past and present.

This also can serve as a place to post eventful news any of you may wish to share with other classmates. Needless to say, we all have a lot of exciting stories to tell. I myself, look forward to reading as to sharing some of my own. 

Once again, it was really great to see everyone again!

Best wishes,

Richard Anderson

Thursday, 14 September 2006 - 10:08 AM

Name: "Joey Perez"

I just wanted to say that everyone looks so good in the photos. Dressing up, doing their hair, etc.... It really added to the "Magic" of the night.......

Saturday, 16 September 2006 - 4:43 PM

Name: "Brian Anderson"


Hello Fellow Cardinals

I am glad everybody is doing good. I'm sorry I could'nt make it to this one. They could'nt allow any vacation time during a holiday week (Labor Day) at Raley's Supermarket.  By the pictures, it looks like you had a great time. I wish I could have been there I will have to catch the next one.

 Good Luck

Brian Anderson

Monday, 18 September 2006 - 5:05 AM

Name: "Joey Perez"

Dude Rock on!!!

Friday, 22 September 2006 - 1:23 PM

Name: "Mary"

Wow what can I say??  It was an awesome weekend.  One that I will never forget for the rest of my life.  I had such a good time.  It was right back to being in high school again.  I was nervous at first, so nervous that I went into the bathroom before going in to get myself together, but man, once I got in there and saw all the happy, smiling nerves calmed and disappeared.  The food was good, the music was excellent and the camaraderie was unforgetable.  I cannot wait to do this again. 

Saturday, 23 September 2006 - 6:06 AM

Name: "Rosie Stiltner (Pena)"

I had such a great time seeing everyone.  I agree Mary, I felt like I was back at MP.  Everyone looks so good and everyone is doing great in life.  I just got Joey's email for the footbal game, but I cannot make it.  I'll be in Cabo for Sammy Hagars b-day party.  Shucks!  hehe.  Anyhow, I hope everyone keeps in touch! GO Cards GO!


Monday, 25 September 2006 - 5:22 AM

Name: "Joey Perez"
Home Page:

Hi Rosie,

 I WANT TO CABO!!! and hang with Sammy and Michael... I went to the Bone Bash, this past summer, took all my kids, I am corrupting them young............ jk.............. Laterssss, Joey

Monday, 25 September 2006 - 6:24 PM

Name: "Richard Anderson"

I have too agree with you, Mary. The whole experience was like back in high school, only this time, there was this feeling of wanting to embrace everyone. I must say, I was a bit overwellmed . The Reunion was definately another pivital point in life. One I'll cherish for life. Looking forward to 25.
"Mary" wrote:
Wow what can I say??  It was an awesome weekend.  One that I will never forget for the rest of my life.  I had such a good time.  It was right back to being in high school again.  I was nervous at first, so nervous that I went into the bathroom before going in to get myself together, but man, once I got in there and saw all the happy, smiling nerves calmed and disappeared.  The food was good, the music was excellent and the camaraderie was unforgetable.  I cannot wait to do this again. 

Monday, 25 September 2006 - 6:29 PM

Name: "Richard Anderson"

WOW! You guys are gonna' have a blast. Have a shot of "Sammy's" tequela for me. Give him my regards as well... Enjoy!
"Rosie Stiltner (Pena)" wrote:

I had such a great time seeing everyone.  I agree Mary, I felt like I was back at MP.  Everyone looks so good and everyone is doing great in life.  I just got Joey's email for the footbal game, but I cannot make it.  I'll be in Cabo for Sammy Hagars b-day party.  Shucks!  hehe.  Anyhow, I hope everyone keeps in touch! GO Cards GO!


Wednesday, 27 September 2006 - 2:30 PM

Name: "Shanita Collins"

Hello everyone.  It is so good seeing so many familiar faces in the photos.  I am so sorry I was not able to make it.  I live in Dallas now but still consider San Jose my home.  Everyone looks so good.  I am glad that this blog was created so that we can remain in touch.

Take care,


Friday, 29 September 2006 - 8:14 AM

Name: "stacey barbosa (dias)"

Hello everyone.   Sounds like the reunion was great.  Sorry I missed this one.  I live in Mansfield Texas now.    Hopefully I can make the next one - 25?

Stacey Barbosa

Friday, 29 September 2006 - 1:19 PM

Name: "Mary"

Hello Shanita!!!
I am sorry you could not make it.  I would love to have seen you again.  I emailed Bianca and she could not make it either.  We are planning another for 25th and it will be bigger than this one.  I am glad to see you are doing well.  Definitely keep in touch.  Hey did you catch yourself on the 80"s movie with Richard Anderson???  Hee hee the memories, the memories.  I love it!! 

Monday, 2 October 2006 - 3:48 PM

Name: "Gina Fleming"

Hey there, just wanted to say I love all the pic's. Even though I was unable to make it I am thankful to those who put it all together and to those who are creating these websites for everyone to stay in communication. I have received emails and sent a few emails to old friends and it is nice to hear of everyones accomplishments through the years!! Had lunch with Marjorie Fontes (McFarland) the other day (after 14 years). It was nice to "catch up". Well I might be at the Homecoming game with my nephew so if anyone is going please let me know ; )

Hey Rosie, I just got back from Cabo (my home away from home) a few weeks ago..I wish I was still there!!!! Im sure I dont have to tell you to have a GREAT time...Have a shot of TA-KILL-YA for me! = )

Best wishes,


Friday, 20 October 2006 - 7:33 AM

Name: "Joey Perez"
Home Page:

Hey Everyone!!

I wanted to let everyone know that Rich Anderson will be performing at Rooster T Feathers!!

On Wednesday, December 6th At 8pm. Cost to get in $10.00 at the door. Let us know if anyone will be going.....

Laterssss, Joey

Friday, 20 October 2006 - 1:47 PM

Name: "Tabatha Bollig (Doniak)"




I am sorry I could not be at the reunion. It looks like everyone had a great time. I hope to go to the next one! I have enjoyed looking at all the reunion pictures and everyone sounds like they are doing great. Everyone looks so great too! I might see everyone at the 25!

Thursday, 22 March 2007 - 7:43 AM

Name: "Thida Myint (Pernia)"

A Reunion Cruise sounds like fun -- maybe a quickie booze cruise -- 3 or 4 day Baja Mexico from Southern Cal.  Keep me posted!

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